About Mind in Kingston

We are Mind in Kingston. We fight for mental health. For support. For respect. For you.

Mind in Kingston is a user-led registered charity that supports people with mental health issues with a wide range of services in and around Kingston Upon Thames. Founded in 1972, the charity is user-led and offers recovery-focused services, campaigns on mental health issues, engages widely with beneficiaries and works with the local community to reduce stigma and discrimination.

Mind in Kingston is an independently funded charity affiliated to national Mind, and a partner of Southwest London Minds, and a member of Mind in London.

As a lead organisation for mental health in the Borough of Kingston upon Thames, we work with beneficiaries, stakeholders, partners, funders and commissioners to meet the needs of people with mental health issues, their families, carers, and friends in the borough and beyond.

Our team is passionate about improving mental health and wellbeing, often due to their own experiences whether personal or professional. We offer our team a safe and non-judgmental space to work, encourage their participation in the development of our charity, and a strong ethos of openness, diversity, equality, dignity, respect, and inclusion for all.

Working in mental health is challenging, particularly with the ongoing impact of the pandemic increasing pressure on our services and our team. However, our work also has a positive impact and is rewarding and fulfilling. We offer all members on our team individual and joint support and supervision, training, and development opportunities for progression within the charity and we arrange social events to support team cohesion.

Our Vision and Mission Statement

Our Vision

We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect.

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to advance the views, needs, and ambitions of people with mental health problems, and to challenge discrimination and promote inclusion.
  • We will influence policy and promote equal rights through campaigning and education.
  • We strive to develop innovative quality services which reflect expressed need and diversity.
  • In all our work, we promote our vision and core values.

Our Aims

Our overall aim is to improve the mental health of people in and around the Borough of Kingston upon Thames by providing a range of services that offer support, advice, information, and signposting. We also promote better understanding and raise awareness of mental health issues, as well as reduce stigma.

We do this by

Enable people to make informed choices about their lives.

Involve people to have their say, be involved, or lead initiatives that improve the quality of lives of those experiencing, recovering, or at risk of mental health problems.

Enable people to cope with, manage, and improve their own mental health and allow them to be themselves.

Provide access to fulfilling activities and valued roles in their community.

Provide safe and trusted services when people are most vulnerable.

Improve awareness and understanding of mental health needs in the borough.


We reach out to anyone who needs us.

We’re stronger in partnerships.

We listen, we act.

We speak out fearlessly.

We never give up.

Our Funders