Time to Change Kingston Hub

Time to Change Kingston is a local movement of people and organisations aiming to change the way people think and act about mental health in Kingston, reducing the stigma and discrimination that so many still face.

The Hub will be coordinated by Healthwatch Kingston is handing over until the 31st of March 2021, when the Time to Change Kingston coordination role will fall to Mind in Kingston.

Want to get involved?

Sign up to the Time to Change Kingston mailing list to get updates on meetings and events organised by the Hub: http://bit.ly/TTCKsignup.

Come along to our next meetings to get involved in upcoming plans for Mental Health Awareness Week in May:

  • Champions Network Meeting Wed 17th Mar 1-3pm
  • Champions Network Meeting – Wed 21st April 3-5pm
  • Steering group Meeting – Wed 5th May 2-4pm

Please contact [email protected] for the Zoom links or if you have any questions.

Time to Change Kingston was the second hub in London to be awarded funding from national Time to Change in 2019, hosted by the Royal Borough of Kingston Council and coordinated by Healthwatch Kingston.

The Hub’s role is to get people in Kingston to talk about mental health, and change the way people act and think about mental health. This could be a chat over coffee, a talk, a music event or an open day.

The hub is always looking for champions; people with lived experience of mental health who want to change behaviour and attitudes towards mental health in a more positive way. Champions will receive training and support so they can talk about mental health and help promote the Hub’s work. To find out what a champion does, click here.

Want to take a look at what Kingston Champions have been up to so far?

Watch recordings of our online events on YouTube

Discover Time to Change Kingston’s Online Living Library

Browse our Kingston Champion’s Lockdown Tips

Read the Time to Change Kingston Zine

Mind in Kingston would like to thank Persephone Pickering for her excellent support and coordination of the TTCK Hub, and to Healthwatch Kingston for their hosting duties – we look forward to working with them, Time to Change Champions and partners to take the work of the local hub forward.

Our Funders